by Barbara Berkeley, MD
Whether or not my beloved Cleveland Cavaliers are able to prevail as champions this year, there is no question that they have delivered a gutsy performance in this year's NBA finals.
When LeBron was in Cleveland during his first stint, I frequently wrote about him in this blog. I thought, and still think, that there was a lot to be learned from someone who pursued his goals with such single-minded intensity.
In my own "sports career" (lol) LeBron's example has had a strong positive effect on my approach to tennis. Thanks to the Cavs, I've had a much better competitive season this year.
So what does LeBron have to do with you? Take a look at the way in which LeBron approaches his goals:
1. Declaring Commitment
Last summer, LeBron declared his intention to lose weight. He went on an essentially Primal diet dropping out all carbs and completely confining himself to proteins, fruits and vegetables. He was highly successful, but what was particularly interesting was that LeBron identified his diet as just one of many summer challenges. He has said that he likes to work on a challenge and tries to set new ones for himself. There is no doubt that embracing the idea of challenge and declaring our intentions to others helps us reach our goals. Can you learn to enjoy challenge?
2. Laser Focus
As the playoffs began, LeBron went into lockdown mode. This meant cutting off all participation in social media and closing himself off to possibly destabilizing messages from the outside world. When the team watched other playoff series, for example, they did so without the sound turned on to avoid hearing commentary and opinion that might relate to them. LeBron has often referred to the way in which he demanded "laser focus" from all players on the Cavs.
Is winning an NBA Championship tougher than losing weight and maintaining it longterm? Although they are very different challenges, they both share one key characteristic. Very few people every do either successfully. Can you approach your weight management goals with laser focus?
3. Remaining Level
If you let your temper get the best of you every time a ref makes a bad call you may find your mind drawn away from the game. You may get two technicals and find yourself out of the game entirely. If an opposing team blows you out, you may start doubting yourself and play with less confidence in your next meeting. LeBron has constantly repeated the importance of staying emotionally level. Can you use this strategy to avoid getting so angry the next time you slip up? Getting frustrated means falling off plan, so try to follow LeBron's lead and recognize that there will be ups and downs in your process. Glide on top of them rather than allowing them to jolt your resolve.
4. Supreme Confidence
Although LeBron has been to the Finals five times, he has won only two championships. Even the world's greatest player does not succeed every time. But despite unsuccessful championship runs, LeBron remains confident in his abilities. Can you remain confident in yourself and your ability to prevail over a long term challenge? Be strong. Be heroic.
5. Doing it for Others
No one would argue that world-class athletes have egos, but LeBron has continually referred to a mission that includes bringing a championship to Northeast Ohio. He sees this as a way of paying back the community that raised and supported him. By enlarging his mission to include others, it becomes bigger and more important. Are you controlling your weight just for you or are there other important people in your life that will benefit from your greater health? Do it for others.
For past Cavalier and LeBron themed posts, click on Cleveland Cavaliers in the Category List.