by Barbara Berkeley, MD
Holiday parties getting you down by boosting your weight? Here are some tips for negotiating those difficult moments.
1.Make it a Game!
Serious weight maintainers are planners, so figure out the challenges of each party beforehand. Then set definite strategies and endpoints for yourself and give yourself a score afterwards. Make it fun! Got a low score last night? There's always tomorrow. Here are some things you can try working on:
- Specific amounts and types of alcohol you will drink (white and sparkling wines are the lowest calorie wine choices and wine spritzers will allow you to drink more volume with less caloric consumption)
- Specify the amount of plates of food you will take at a buffet
- Set a goal for the amount of sweets or carbs you will eat. You know what you can tolerate without weight gain and/or addiction.
2. Circulate, Circulate
Avoid sitting in one place all night particularly if food is nearby. Move around the party and participate in lots of different conversations. Practice listening attentively and truly engaging. It's hard to gorge and engage at the same time. If you find yourself drawn to the dessert table, try going to the bathroom. Look in the mirror and take a gander at the thinner person you've become. Hopefully, you are wearing clothes that reveal your smaller size. Take a deep breath and vow to defend what you've earned. Then back to the fray!
3. Figure Out if Alcohol Makes You Eat More
For some people, a glass of wine or a drink actually dampens appetite. I'm one of those. If I have a wine, I will eat a lot less. I can often get away at a party with very little other than a glass of chardonnay and a couple of hors d'oeuvres. But for the majority of people, alcohol lifts food inhibitions. You need to figure out beforehand if you fit that description. If so, setting firm limits on wine, beer and hard liquor consumption will be vital for you.
4. Have a Treat Waiting at Home
This is a silly little tip that really works for me. In my case, the treat is a Skinny Cow ice cream. Last night at our yearly tennis party, I skipped the chocolates, brownies and fresh baked rolls. But it was ok, because when I got home, I had my Skinny Cow. Try it!
5. Declare Yourself!!
I've always found this to be an important tip for maintainers. If you've lost weight recently, or if you are in the middle of an active diet, don't be afraid to come right out with it. Telling people what you are doing helps them to understand why you are passing on certain foods and prevents food from being pushed at you. It's also hard to start digging into the Christmas cookies when you've already mentioned that you are working on your weight.
6. The Revenge Clothes Rule
An oldie but goodie. Wear your skinniest, most beautiful clothes to all parties. Allow yourself to revel in your new size and in all you've done to accomplish it. Let your clothes hug you and remind you when you start to overeat. Always enjoy the greatest present you can ever receive....your own belief in and commitment to your miraculous body.