Dear Friends and Fellow Maintainers,
Refuse to Regain is meant specifically for those who are determined to keep off the weight they've lost. It is written in three sections. The first establishes ten foundations for weight maintenance. These include topics such as how to take a warrior's attitude toward maintenance, how to eat a Primarian Diet (the type of maintenance diet I suggest), and how to defuse sabotage. In the second section, I talk in depth about the 12 cardinal rules for successful maintenance. A third section visits with five real maintainers and talks about their successes and their struggles. There is also a recipe section with meals designed by Chef Matthew Anderson, a Cleveland chef and really nice guy.
Since its publication, Refuse to Regain has gotten wonderful feedback from readers. A small sampling:
"I found your book last week, and read it entirely in about a day. It has been an incredible gift for me."
"Your book was a godsend. It gave me new strategies to add to my tool chest, and we are on the same page regarding food choice. It makes me so angry when I hear a high-carbohydrate, lowfat diet pushed on people trying to lose weight. Going "Paleo" was the first time in two years that I wasn't hungry all the time. But best of all, I love your encouragement that yes, it is possible. I feel inspired by the attitude that I can feel positive about working hard to earn my success everyday, and nourish my body with the best food that the earth provides for me. "
"I have gained tremendous peace by reaizing that "S" foods are just not for me. I can now look at breads and sweets, recognize the problems they cause me and simply say "no" wihtout any more struggles. Eating as a primarian makes me feel great! I am so glad to have found Barbara's book and to confirm I'm not alone. I feel free :-)"
"Barbara- just had to take a moment to THANK YOU again for writing Refuse to Regain. After years of struggle, it is so nice to have someone validate what many of us have learned by trial and error. Eating as a primarian is certainly the way to go for me. Having 12 rules to follow also helps alot. . You've done us all a great service and I know I speak for many when I say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU."
I continue to hope that this book will bring the problem of maintenance to the forefront and that it will be just one of many books to be written on the subject. You can find Refuse to Regain on and on the sites of most internet booksellers. There is a kindle edition as well. It is also available in many libraries.